Gas furnaces are very popular in households today. Mainly, because people have already been using them for many years. However, it might be a good time to reconsider the furnace you have in your house and switch to the electric alternative.
If you need a new furnace, switching to an electric one could be the upgrade you’re looking for.
In this article, we’ve gone ahead and highlighted all the reasons that you should be thinking of getting yourself a new electric furnace.
It’s Safer for You and Your Family
It is a well-known fact that electric furnaces are safer than traditional gas furnaces. This is due to the fact that electric furnaces don’t need to use any gas or oil. This eliminates the chances of any oil or gas spillages that could potentially result in a fire.
Also, the furnace also won’t emit any carbon monoxide, which is a serious risk caused by gas furnaces and could be deadly if you don’t have a CO monitor or it malfunctions.
It’s More Efficient
It is a common misconception that electric furnaces cost more than gas ones. However, this is not true. If you maintain your electric furnace better, it is going to be a more efficient option.
Over time, you will use spend less on electricity versus what you would for the same units of energy from gas.
Electric furnaces actually cost far less than similarly sized gas furnaces. Even as a one-time investment, the electric option is cheaper.
We’re all familiar with the constant volatility in oil and gas prices. Sometimes the price reaches an arm and a leg. While at other times, they touch unreasonably low rates. That might seem like it’s good, but it might actually add to the price in the end because of how much the petroleum company loses from the price action.
Longer Lifespan
Installing a furnace will probably take a sizable investment. However, if you choose to invest in an electric furnace, you will get more out of your investment as they usually have a longer lifespan as compared to their gas counterparts.
The average lifespan of an electric furnace is around 20 years, while the gas ones last around 10-15 years. The logic behind this is that there are fewer parts in an electric furnace that can wear out over time. This makes them last longer.
Easily Available Fuel Source
When it comes to gas furnaces, you will face additional problems running the furnace. In some areas, connections aren’t installed, which forces you to get some sort of cylinders to cook food at home.
However, electricity runs in almost every part of the world. You will hardly see a house with an electricity shortage, but you are more likely to face a gas shortage in your home.
You can run the furnace whenever you want.
Contact Our Team Today
Now you understand why it might be time to switch your furnace type. Switching to an electric furnace will be easier on your pockets compared to the gas one.
Looking to get your furnace changed or need phenomenal furnace repair in Doylestown, PA? Call Carney Plumbing Heating & Cooling for professional help with your furnace system.