Air Scrubber Benefits in Bucks and Montgomery, PA
Give us a call today: 215-346-7160Looking to keep your home’s air a little cleaner? You can get the job done with an Air Scrubber by Aerus. We are proud to install Aerus Air Scrubbers in homes throughout Bucks and Montgomery, PA.
- In business since 1976
- Rated A+ by the BBB
- Unwavering commitment to our customers
These systems will help battle against both airborne and surface contaminants. Make sure that you get the best installation and support services for your Air Scrubber by coming to Carney All Seasons.
Reach out to our team today to learn more about Air Scrubbers or to schedule your installation. Comfort you can count on, trusted for generations.
Scrub Your Hands, Scrub Your Air
Add an extra layer of protection in your home with air scrubber technology proven to protect against both airborne and surface contaminants.

Protecting our families, friends and relatives against the Coronavirus (COVID19) begins with following CDC and national and local guidelines.* Basic, proven safeguards such as frequent handwashing and disinfecting touchpoints in our homes are essential.
However, many families want to add additional layers of protection.
The Aerus Air Scrubber, with Active Pure Technology can provide the highest levels of protection against airborne microorganisms and contaminants available on the market today - Both in the air AND on the hard surfaces throughout your home.

- NASA-certified*. Proven effective in the International Space Station, hospitals, schools, hotels and millions of homes.
- Effective against both bacterial and viral microorganisms such as MRSA, staph, strep, e-coli, listeria, swine flu, bird flu, Hepatitis A, norovirus, bacillus, pseudomonas, and more.
- Independent testing verifies more than 99% reduction in harmful surface contaminants within 24 hours.
“Scrubs” Hard Surfaces As Well
In addition to purifying the air, the Aerus Air Scrubber distributes a protective layer on surfaces throughout your home. You get the added benefit of disinfecting surfaces that you and your family come in contact with on an ongoing basis, without actually having to physically scrub the entire house.
Simple and Economical to Install
The Aerus Air Scrubber installs directly into your current heating and air conditioning system. No additional complex and expensive additions are necessary. The system treats the air that circulates throughout your entire home, helping ensure you are breathing the most pure, safe air possible.

Call Today for a Free Estimate
Contact us today for a free Custom Comfort Consultation to find out how easy and economical installing this extra layer of protection in your home can be.
*Click here for the latest guidelines published by the Centers for Disease
**The ActivePure® Technology built into each Air Scrubber by Aerus is based on a variation of the technology originally developed for use on the International Space Station and is recognized as the exclusive e TechnologyTM in its category.