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Spider Control

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Spiders are interesting pests to encounter in your home. They’re different from other pests in the sense that they hunt and prey on other pests, so they don’t exist in your home alone. But they can still cause a huge problem when there are large numbers of them, and the signs of a spider problem can quickly create an unsafe or unhygienic situation for you and your family.

Our team has a major focus when it comes to spider pest control: ensuring they stay outside rather than inside your home. Spiders can be great for your lawn and garden, as they catch flies, mosquitos, and other small nuisance insects. But they’re not fun to see in your home. Using natural solutions with you in mind, we can make sure spiders stay outdoors.


Identifying a Spider Infestation

You can detect spider infestations in a number of different ways. Here are some of the most common signs of a spider problem in your house.

  • Other pests. As we mentioned before, spiders hunt other pests like flies and mosquitos. If you detect those insects, then you likely have a spider problem as well.
  • Webs. Spiders set up web traps to catch prey. These webs can be easy to detect, from cobwebs to more elaborate webs in basements, crawlspaces, attics, and windowsills.
  • Spider molting. Spiders shed their skin, which can be easy for homeowners to detect in out-of-the-way places.
  • Eggs. Have you seen a group of eggs wrapped in webs throughout your house? These are spider eggs and are a clear sign of a spider infestation.

Sometimes just one or two of these signs might not seem like a big problem, but these are only the signs you can see. Spiders can be small enough to live in hard-to-reach places and in gaps where they’re completely hidden from view. Our methods remove any and all spiders within your living space.

Spiders Are Predators

Remember: Spiders don’t live in your home on their own. They exist in an ecosystem where they trap and eat other pests.

This means that you’ll want to deal with a spider problem after you’ve ensured that there isn’t another pest problem affecting your home. For instance, detecting multiple spider nests in your home could be a sign that there’s an underlying mosquito issue that has led to the growth of a spider colony.

You’ll want our team to treat both of these problems so you can live in your home without pests.

What You Need to Know About Spider Problems

Here in Pennsylvania, spiders are not nearly as dangerous as they seem in movies or TV shows. Spiders around the world can be venomous and lead to painful bites, but the vast majority of spiders in our climate are harmless to humans.

Most spiders are actually afraid of humans and would much rather run away and hide than do anything else. This is why they’re great to see around the exterior of your home, since they can be friendly allies that hunt and eat the pests you don’t like.

It’s vital that you work with our team to remove a spider problem from inside your home, but you don’t need to worry if they’ll hurt or attack you. For more questions on spiders, you can contact our spider removal specialists who have the answers.