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Ant Extermination

Give us a call today: 215-346-7160

Ants can be one of the most persistent and stressful pests to deal with. They swarm your home in large numbers, they can climb and reach any food you leave out, and they’re small enough to fit through tiny holes and slits in the ground to escape your view. If you notice one or two ants, you’ve probably got more hidden under the surface of your floorboards or in your walls.

The good news is that ants are no match for conventional pest control supplies, especially the ones that we use. Sit back, relax, and let the pros take care of it!


How Ants Infiltrate a Home

Ants are active during the warmer months of the year. They can proficiently climb anywhere in your home to reach crumbs of food that might be leftover from last night’s dinner or from a cookie that dropped on the floor. These ants are typically referred to as “sugar ants” but there are many other kinds of ants that infiltrate homes in our area.

Ants are small, nimble, and persistent. Their hives can be set up even in the most compact and hard-to-reach areas, so an infestation can be hard to exterminate without the help of seasoned professionals like the ones on our team.

The Persistence of an Ant Infiltration

Ants are smarter than they look! They can scavenge far away from their hive for food and they tend to scatter and hide when they’re noticed by a homeowner or wandering pet. This can make an ant infestation one of the most persistent types of pest control issues to come across, and it’s one of the reasons why we use the methods that we do.

How to Identify an Ant Infestation

Ants are likely easier to identify than other types of pest infestations. Even though they’re tiny, they still can show up in your home in large enough numbers to be seen with the naked eye. Look in areas where there are normally scraps of food, like near the garbage or on the countertops of your kitchen. If you’re dealing with an ant infestation, you’ll see at least a few ants in the open that can signal the need for pest control services.

Causes of Ant Infestations

As we mentioned earlier, ants are small enough to fit anywhere. They don’t dig into your home like other pests do, but they can sneak in through even the tiniest crack in your home’s exterior envelope and set up a colony. They will grow and maintain themselves with food scraps that get left in your home. Left-out food or easy-to-access trash can be one of the main ways an ant infestation can begin.

Ant infestations can be a nuisance and even frightening to some people. The sheer number of ants crawling in your home when you’ve got a bad infestation can be enough to cause a halt to your lifestyle. At the first sign of an ant problem, call our team so we can employ safe and effective pest control methods that secure your home for humans and pets only.