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Bee Removal

Give us a call today: 215-346-7160

Bees can be a terrible pest to deal with, and you’ll want a handy removal expert on your side when you encounter this kind of problem. From honey bees to carpenter bees, any amount of bees inside of your home will instantly be a cause for concern.

We want our customers to know that we’re the experts at bee removal. Not only will we “bee” able to identify the type of bee that’s causing problems for your home, but we can use natural solutions like citrus oils and and sprays that ward them off without doing any harm to you or your family. A bee problem never has to be permanent, and we can alleviate it quickly.


What You Need to Know About Bees

Bees are different from wasps. Wasps are generally pests anywhere they set up a hive. But bees are pollinators that are great to notice in your garden but can be a nightmare to have in your home.

  • Carpenter bees have muscles that can burrow holes in wood structuring throughout your home. These are easily some of the most obnoxious and detrimental pests you can experience in your home.
  • Honey bees and bumblebees can be pests in your home too, but they don’t do damage to the wooden beams or structures of your home. Instead, they can sting you and your family members or generally cause unsanitary conditions depending on where they congregate.

Bee infestations should not be ignored, and the only surefire way to get rid of them is with professional help.

How to Identify a Bee Problem

How can you tell if you’ve got a bee problem? This is one of the more simple issues to detect. Bees are larger than other pests and they fly. Any time you notice bees moving in or out of your house through a certain area, you’ve likely got a bee problem.
You can also use your ears to detect a bee problem. Bee wings make a particular sound when they fly that is easy for human ears to detect. It’s where the “buzz” sound of bees in cartoons and old movies comes from, and if you’re quiet in a room where a suspected bee infestation is, you’ll likely hear the sound of their wings.

Causes of Bee Infestations

Bees are constantly looking for a safe, secluded place to set up a hive. Unfortunately, your home is the perfect place for them to set up shop, and especially in areas that you normally don’t see. Bee hives can be created under your floorboards, in crawl spaces, in attics, and even in small holes or gaps.
Depending on how insulated your home is, you might have trouble locating the hive because bees don’t make a sound or come into living spaces very often. Our team can use specialized equipment to locate the hive and eliminate it.

Hire a Pest Control Professional for Bee Removal

Bees can be just as devastating a pest to deal with as any other critter. Their hives are persistent and they can sting your family, causing wounds and allergic reactions that can range anywhere from obnoxious to dangerous.

Carpenter bees are a more insidious problem as they can do expensive damage to your house and cause your budget or foundation to collapse if you’re not careful. Regardless of the type of bee you’re dealing with, you can trust our team for bee removal!