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Stink Bug Removal

Give us a call today: 215-346-7160

Stink bugs are different from every other pest in the sense that they send off clear warning signals when threatened or crushed. The stink bug gets its name from the odor it gives off, which can be foul and unpleasant outside, and even worse when it’s inside.

Pest control experts are an incredible resource when dealing with stink bugs, because we can remove them at their source without causing them to stink up your house.

By using physical barriers and removing access to moisture around your house, we can remove stink bugs and leave your home smelling fresh, clean, and bug-free.


Everything You Should Know About Stink Bugs

First of all, stink bugs don’t always stink. They give off this odor when threatened or crushed, mainly as a way to ward away predators or other stink bugs from dangerous places. However, this can be bad when the easiest way to remove them is to eliminate them.

Stink bugs are also most active during the summer, and hibernate during the winter, which means they seek shelter when the days start to get shorter and temperatures get colder. This is what draws them to your house and allows for the creation of an infestation.

Unlike the foul odor they give off, when stink bugs locate a place to seek shelter for the winter, they give off a pheromone which attracts other bugs to your house. This is where pest control services can be a life saver.

When Stink Bugs Congregate

Stink bugs are larger than most bugs and they have a shape that resembles a leaf. This makes them camouflaged outdoors but easy to spot indoors. They tend to be around windows and doors, or other paths of entry as they are most active in sunlight. They also require plenty of water to thrive, so if your home has a pipe leak or a dripping air conditioning unit, they’ll congregate near there as well.

If you notice stink bugs at all, try to keep track of how many you see. One or two are easy to get rid of, but more of them could signal a serious problem.

How to Ward Off Stink Bugs

Stink bugs enter your home through doorways and windows. They’re not as small and agile as ants, so they rely on larger cracks and gaps to infiltrate your home. They can also seek shelter in basements and crawl spaces, emerging to enjoy sunlight during the day and going back to hiding at night.

Try to block off entry and exit points of your home as best you can. Keep things dry and clean, turn the lights off at night, and try to eliminate food scraps through regular cleaning. This can prevent stink bug problems.

Professional Stink Bug Removal Solutions

When encountering a large stink bug problem, your best bet is to call for professional pest control services. Our team can locate the issue at its source and alleviate it, removing all of the stink bugs with vacuuming, spraying, and physical removal.