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Clover Mite Removal

Give us a call today: 215-346-7160

There’s a peculiar problem with pests that are tiny like clover mites. They can congregate in such large numbers that, even if they don’t do damage to your home or cause unsanitary conditions, they can still be a huge nuisance to the point of throwing a wrench in your weekday plans.

Clover mites seem harmless at first, but can quickly become a major problem in your home. Unlike other pests like carpenter bees or ants, they don’t necessarily destroy anything and they’re harmless to humans. But they can enter your home in huge numbers to the point of being an itchy, distracting nuisance that only gets worse over time.

We think it’s time you served these unwanted guests an eviction notice. What do you say?


What Are Clover Mites?

Clover mites are distant relatives of arachnids such as spiders and ticks. They live for about two weeks, lay 70 eggs on average, and are avid plant eaters. These facts don’t make them pests, but their behavior is what makes them easily categorized as pests in your home.

They can easily grab onto clothing or your skin in the same way that a tick would, and journey back with you into your house. They’ll lay eggs and multiply quickly. They can eat the grass clippings of your lawn or the plants in your garden, and they require mild temperatures, which is why your home is the perfect shelter for them.

Clover mites are small, red, and can be an itchy nuisance when spotted. If this description sounds familiar, then you’ll want to work with our team.

Where Do Clover Mites Come From?

Clover mites can be found all over your lawn and garden during the spring and fall. When temperatures get too hot or cold, they’ll look for shelter which is how they can enter your home. They feed on any plant matter they can find, including your potted plants and shelf plants you keep in the rooms of your home, so make sure you identify this pest problem early on.

Knowing If You Have a Clover Mite Problem

Here are a few signs that signal a clover mite problem in your home:

  • Intermittent red stains. Clover mites are red and when smashed can leave a red stain. This is important because sometimes scratching or swatting involuntarily can kill them but you might not notice the problem until it’s too late.
  • Destruction of household plants. Clover mites love to consume plants of any kind, which is why they’ll head straight to your house plants when they first enter your home. Protect your plants by removing the clover mite threat.
  • Itching and rubbing. Clover mites can reproduce quickly and be found in large numbers. If you’re itching or swatting many tiny red bugs throughout the day, then you definitely have a clover mite problem.

Removing Clover Mites

Clover mites can be removed with sprays and specialized vacuum cleaners that our team uses. We can also help to prevent them by clipping and removing grass from the exterior of your home, making sure that they don’t have a clear path to re-enter your house.

With the use of physical barriers and spray treatment, your home can be rid of these little pests in no time!