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Centipede Removal

Give us a call today: 215-346-7160

Centipedes are similar to spiders. They hunt other insects like cockroaches and spiders, and they tend to follow wherever their prey goes.

Centipedes can be an excellent way to detect other pest problems in your home, and pest control experts can follow them to locate the source of your home’s infestation.

But centipedes themselves can also be a nuisance to your home comfort and hygiene. They’re large when compared to other insect pests, and they molt skin and legs which when found can ruin the beautiful aesthetic of your house.

Our team specializes in the complete removal of centipedes from homes, but we also take a smart approach to detect whether the source of the problem is something else and the centipedes are just a byproduct.


Detecting a Centipede Problem

Centipedes require shelter and warmth. They’re easier to spot indoors during the winter because your home is nice and cozy when compared to the frigid temperatures outdoors. They don’t like wind, snow, or ice, so they’ll be right at home under your floorboards or in your cupboards.

They stay close to damp areas and follow where other insects might live. If you’ve got a damp area of your basement or crawl space, for instance, that has become inundated with insects, centipedes are likely to be there to consume them.

Note: Centipedes are harmless to humans. They might look creepy to many people, but they’re as friendly as spiders and would rather run and hide than do anything else. While they can absolutely infest your home when left unattended, they won’t harm you in any way.

Locating the Source of Your Centipede Issue

Here’s the interesting part—just because centipedes like damp, warm environments, doesn’t mean they’ll immediately set up shop in your home. Centipedes need a constant stream of food and they’re carnivores. They will only infest areas where there are other bugs that they can hunt.

Pest control experts use centipedes as a way to detect if there are other infestations in your home. For instance, a centipede problem can also be the byproduct of a further, more expansive cockroach infestation that needs to be dealt with immediately.

If you’re detecting centipedes throughout your home, then you can bet there are other insects they’re consuming regularly that are just harder to detect than them.

Preventing Centipede Problems

Professional pest control experts use a variety of different tools to remove and ward off centipedes. For starters, they’re large enough to round up with vacuums, traps, and standard physical barriers that can bring them outdoors. We also use natural products like vinegar to ward them away, since the acidic nature of that substance can be deadly to a centipede.

You’ll want to work with our team when you detect multiple centipedes, just so we can make sure there aren’t any other, underlying pest problems in your house that they’re benefiting from.

It’s time to serve an eviction notice to those creepy crawlies! Get rid of your centipede problem for good by calling the pest professionals at Carney All Seasons.