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Mice Exterminators

Give us a call today: 215-346-7160

Mice are everywhere in the world, but they’re smart to stay far out of sight. They’re rodents that scavenge for food scraps, nuts, fruit, grains, and practically anything they can find. While they might be larger than insect pests, they’re incredibly nimble and can hide in various nooks and crannies of your home.

By coupling our pest control services with rodent-proof construction methods, your home could be completely rodent free.


Mice: A Serious Problem for Homes

Mice might be cute but they can be extremely unhygienic for your home. They can carry many diseases, from Leptospirosis to Hantavirus, and even rabies. Their droppings carry the same diseases, parasites, and bacteria that they do, while also giving off foul odors and ruining the aesthetic of your home. Mice should never be welcomed guests in your home!

It’s important to note that by the time you detect a mouse in your home, you’ve likely got a serious infestation taking place. Mice are nocturnal and only come out at night or when the lights are off. Detecting a mouse in your home when you can see it means there are potentially many other mice inside of your home.

Mice can fit through cracks, gaps, and holes throughout your home, as well as enter through open doors and windows. They’re extremely agile and very adept at hiding, so once they’re inside your house they’re hard to physically catch.

Detecting a Problem With Mice

Mice can be easily detected in these few ways:

  • Droppings. Mice leave droppings everywhere they go. Compared to other insects, their droppings smell bad and are easily noticeable. This is often one of the first signs of a mouse problem that homeowners can detect.
  • Food scraps. Mice scavenge for food scraps throughout your home. Chances are high that if you’ve got disappearing food scraps nearby, then a mouse is the likely culprit.
  • Traps. If you’re curious about whether your home has a mouse problem, try using a trap. Place it with a little bit of food for a week and check in on it periodically. You’ll know pretty quickly if you’ve got a mouse problem.

Many homeowners might catch a mouse or two and think the problem is solved, but this is rarely the case. We urge anyone who has detected a mouse or several mice in their home to contact us immediately for pest control. If you’ve detected the problem, it’s likely more severe than you think.

Safe and Ethical Mice Removal

By far, the easiest way to deal with mice is with traps and bait. This can take a long time and be quite tedious, so we recommend leaving this kind of work with our team. We specifically use mouse bait that pulls them out of their hiding places and traps that can easily catch them. It doesn’t matter if you’re dealing with a few mice or a whole swarm of them, we can help.

Mouse removal doesn’t have to be messy or deadly. Many traps are ethical and we can prevent future mouse infestations by using several materials that keep mice away. Prevention is the best and most affordable type of pest control!