Knowing when to repair versus replace your air conditioner is crucial to maximizing the money that you’re spending. Sometimes repairs are a great option for extending the life of your existing unit. But there are other times when repairs are futile and you really just need to take the leap and invest in a new AC.
You can keep reading to learn some of our tips for knowing when to repair your air conditioner and when to replace it. Then you can give us a call when you need air conditioning replacement Chalfont PA. Remember, you don’t have to make the decision alone. Our team is here to help you every step of the way.
Repairing your AC
Repairing your air conditioner is a good idea when the repair costs are not significant. Expensive repair costs can be a red flag that something is seriously wrong with your air conditioner. But if you can make minor tweaks here or there over the life of the air conditioner, it’s a great way to increase longevity and boost energy efficiency.
Keeping up with AC repairs is especially important during the first 10 years when your manufacturer’s warranty is active. Making minor repairs ensures that you are caring properly for your air conditioner all along to help maintain that warranty. If something major does go wrong with your air conditioner, your manufacturer’s warranty will cover the costs.
Replacing your AC
If repair costs grow too significant, it may be time to replace your air conditioner instead. This can happen in a couple of different ways. First, you may face a single significant AC repair bill that is thousands of dollars. But it’s equally possible that you have to make repairs month after month as new problems pop up.
The individual repair costs may not be a lot, but when you add them up they can be significant. Plus, having repeated problems can point to your air conditioner reaching the end of its lifespan. Once your air conditioner is 10 to 15 years old, it’s time to begin planning for a future upgrade.
The average lifespan for an air conditioner is 10 to 15 years. Taking excellent care of your unit will get you closer to 15 years and potentially even longer. But if you haven’t kept up with AC maintenance and repairs all along, there’s a chance that your air conditioner could stop working closer to the 10-year mark.
Having a brand new unit can make more sense than continuing to put money into an older air conditioner that is less efficient and constantly experiencing problems. With a new unit, you have improved technology and the peace of mind that your air conditioner has a long lifespan ahead of it.
Carney Plumbing Heating & Cooling does what’s right for our customers. Schedule an appointment today for AC service or give us a call anytime you have a plumbing emergency.