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3 Heating Health and Safety Tips to Remember

The heating season is a bit more complicated than the cooling season. Especially when it comes to heating repair in Montgomery County, there are more safety issues at play than when you’re dealing with an air conditioner. Think about it this way: there aren’t any air conditioners that run by combusting natural gas, so you’ve got to be a bit more vigilant in the winter than you might be otherwise.

Don’t worry, we don’t run into safety issues often. In fact, furnaces and other heating systems that are built today are safer than they ever have been. Gas-powered heating systems are built to be long-lasting and safe operating, so we’re not trying to goad you into care that you don’t need. We’d just like to talk about some of the important fixes that you should be aware of that can keep your home safe and secure.

Tip #1: Listen for Problems

Is there something wrong with your heating system? The first and most important thing you can do as a homeowner is to listen. Often times, banging, rumbling, rattling, or other types of noises indicate there’s a problem. Problems need to be fixed.

Think about it this way: when your furnace burns fuel, it creates heat for your home to enjoy. If there’s a sound coming from that system that signals something is misaligned, a part is loose, something is broken, or if there’s a small explosion taking place, then you need to fix it for the health and safety of your home. If you’re ever confused about the condition of your heating system, be sure to call our team so we can help you investigate what the problem could be.

Tip #2: Invest in Maintenance

Maintenance can sometimes be the difference between a furnace that breaks down a few years early, and one that lasts throughout the entirety of its estimated lifespan. Not only does maintenance help extend the lifespan of a heating system, it also helps you avoid frequent repairs that could signal a downward turn in your heater’s condition. You get access to specific perks, your system lasts longer, your system will run safer, and you overall get to enjoy more comfortable temperatures for a lower price in the long run. Seriously, what’s not to like about heater maintenance?

Time #3: Stay Vigilant

Do you have smoke or carbon monoxide detectors in your home? While there are many things a professional can do for your system that will make it run safer, there are also things you can do to prepare for the worst. Smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors are a must-have in your home if you’re dealing with a gas furnace. With detectors set up in your home, you can rest easy every night knowing that you are safe and secure.

It’s also a good idea to check the batteries of these systems to know if you need new ones. On that note, if something is going wrong with either these detectors, with your heater, or with both—make sure you call our team for quick repairs. Nothing makes a heater unsafe like repairs that go unchecked!

Call Carney Plumbing Heating & Cooling for quality heating repair that keeps you safe.

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