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A Pest Free Home Is Possible: Why Pest Control Is Worth It Now

The seasonality of our local area means that pests can come and go. Those wasps that were obnoxious at the end of summer are suddenly gone while you might have started noticing more mice and vanishing food in traps set up in the basement. This is because of the temperature shift, and as food becomes scarce, certain pests start to hibernate or stay in your home.

It’s an unfortunate reality when we have access to all four seasons, but it’s also a good reason to invest in something like a pest prevention plan in Bucks County.

We think an introductory blog like this one is worth it because our customers need to know how easy it can be to go from seeing pests every season to seeing none. Your home can be pest-free, we just have to work together to achieve that goal. And right now, we’re offering $100 off a pest control setup!

This is an image of a Carney All Seasons pest control truck with the the text Why now is the perfect time to invest in pest control.

Pests Don’t Have to Be Normal

Our parents and grandparents might have convinced us that pests are just a normal fact of life. Many customers start using hand-me-down traps that came from the house they grew up in, trying to use the same old methods of pest removal that their parents did. Unfortunately, these traps are outdated and they’re built on some misconceptions that might not ring as true in the modern age.

The simple matter is this–pests don’t have to be normal. It’s perfectly fine, no matter how much money you make and whether you own or rent your home, to live a pest-free life. Pest infestations should be considered the exception to the rule, and we’d like customers to approach pest control with the idea that they should be able to live their lives without pest problems.

Then, once this is understood, we’d like our customers to look into some of the modern-day solutions our team brings.

Health and Safety Should Come First

Even if we can’t convince you that life should be pest-free, we can at least talk about the importance of safety and sanitation in your home. Pests bring with them bacteria, viruses, mold, and other diseases that can range from annoying to extremely dangerous.

The bubonic plague which wiped out almost half the population of Europe in the 14th century is now understood to have come from fleas and lice. A simple pest problem can do a lot of damage.

So, if not for yourself, make sure you prevent pests in your home for your kids, your elderly relatives, and your house guests.

Pest Control Can Be Practical

Did you know that some of the most convenient and effective methods of pest control are practical and have nothing to do with chemicals or sprays? It’s true!

There are many different types of pest control, and each one has its advantages. Sometimes, just shoring up barriers between your home and the outdoors can be enough to prevent a pest problem. Other times, traps, cleaning, and just simple vacuuming can be enough to get rid of them for good.

Work with Carney Plumbing Heating & Cooling. We do what’s right for our customers.

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