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How to Spot Mice in Your Home: 3 Tips

Every pest has its own unique abilities that make it good at infiltrating your home, nesting, scavenging, and reproducing. This is why calling for pest control in Bucks and Montgomery, PA is so crucial. It’s going to allow a professional to take a specialized approach to remove and prevent the specific pest you’re dealing with.

In the case of mice, these tricky pests are almost super pests with how nimble they can be. Mice can fit in tiny cracks, scavenge for scraps exceptionally well, and they’re also nocturnal which allows them to move in the dark while we’re sleeping. This makes them hard to spot–but not impossible.

Here are three specific tips that will help you further identify if you’re dealing with a mouse problem. Then, for ethical and comprehensive removal, you can count on our team. We’re even offering $100 off our pest control setup fee, just for you!

A lot white graphic with an image of a grey and white mouse breaking out of the page, reading "How to spot mice in your home."

Tip #1: Look for Droppings

Mice can do an exceptional job at hiding from humans during all hours of the day and night, but what they can’t hide is their droppings. Mice are large compared to other pests like insects and spiders, so they leave a substantial amount of droppings when they’re taking up residence inside of your home. This is going to be the first way to detect a mouse problem in your house.

Mice droppings are very easy to smell with a pretty distinct foul odor that can make any room in your home feel uncomfortable. Make sure you check some of the less accessible areas of your house like basements, crawlspaces, closets, attics, and attached sheds. These can be prime locations for mice to leave their droppings. Once you detect mouse droppings, you can leave the rest to us.

Tip #2: Dander and Allergic Reactions

Mice are furry pests, which means that they shed their fur and dander on a regular basis. Unfortunately, this can mean that the indoor air of your home gets filled with dander and other contaminants that can cause allergic reactions and make things extremely uncomfortable.

The good news is that this is a prime sign of a mouse problem. If you’re getting allergic reactions more often, headaches and stuffy noses, or you’re just noticing some rooms of your home are less comfortable to be in, it might be due to a mouse problem.

Tip #3: Set Some Traps

Mice can hide, but they have to forage for food. If you really want to detect a mouse problem, you can set up some traps or spots with bait. A little piece of carrot, cabbage, or lettuce can often do the trick since it won’t immediately go bad when it sits there for a while.

But if you notice that this food is gone, or if the trap catches a mouse with relative ease, then you can rest assured there’s a mouse problem in your house. Usually where there’s one mouse, there are many.

There are ethical mousetraps available, and our team can also help you pinpoint the problem. We’ll quickly and easily remove the mice so you don’t have to!

Carney All Seasons does what’s right for our customers. Contact us today! 

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