Carney All Seasons Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Bucks County’

The Pennsylvanian’s Guide to Floods

Monday, August 31st, 2020

You probably don’t hear us talking about sump pumps very often. While they might not be the most exciting blog post topic, they’re absolutely worth addressing. Sump pumps are the Pennsylvanian’s answer to our moody weather and unpredictable precipitation. Instead of dealing with a flooded basement year after year, why not invest in one system that is proven to reduce expenses and protect your home from flooding?

Why would we talk about sump pump service in Bucks County now? Well, to put it bluntly, fall is going to have its mix of rain and snow. One day could be filled with pouring rain or sunny skies, and the next could be a snowstorm, followed by that snow melting and flooding your basement. The unpredictability of our weather makes it our job to propose to you the right solutions.

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5 Reasons Why Replacing Your Air Filter Is So Important

Monday, August 17th, 2020

When was the last time you replaced the air filter on your air conditioner? Yesterday? A month ago? Never? Regardless of when you replaced it, it’s important that it gets replaced often if you use your system heavily. Air filters contribute to the cooling process, and the moment you neglect such a vital component, you’re asking for disaster.

In order to enlighten some homeowners out there who might have forgotten about their system’s air filter, we’ve decided to talk about a few important reasons why you need to replace it. Whether you’d like to do your own DIY air conditioning maintenance in Bucks County or you’re in the mood to stave off complicated or expensive AC repairs in the future, this blog can help.

Keep reading as we talk about the five biggest reasons why you should check the status of your air filter.

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Is Your AC Making Loud Noises? Here’s What to Do

Monday, July 20th, 2020

Call us. No, we’re serious. If your air conditioner is making any loud noises, your first instinct should be to call your local team of professionals. Sure, we’ll get into more detail down below about what these noises can mean, but nine times out of ten homeowners don’t have the tools to address them.

If you’re waiting for a professional technician to show up and you’re trying to get more information as to what could be wrong, then keep reading. We’re going to talk about some of the most common noises to occur in air conditioners and what they signal. From refrigerant leaks to a squealing rubber belt, we assure you that none of these sounds are good. Unless your system works at normal noise levels, a noisy unit calls for air conditioning repair in Bucks County, no ifs or buts.

So, give us a call and keep reading!

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Clean Your Air with an Air Purifier

Monday, June 22nd, 2020

Air purification is a process that’s not new. Even in ancient times, people used herbs, incense, and other methods to keep their air clear and clean of harmful contaminants. The only difference between now and then is that our methods of air purification rely on science and electricity, which is a much more reliable method of keeping your air clean. By using one of our air purifiers, you can make demonstrable changes to your indoor air and eliminate problematic microorganisms like bacteria, viruses, and mold spores.

Today, we’re going to talk about the unique advantages that you can expect with air purifiers in Bucks County. We’ll go into details about how they work, what they do, and the types of improvements that you can expect to achieve in your home with them.

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The Dos and Don’ts of AC Repair

Monday, June 8th, 2020

Air conditioners are durable machines. They’re often able to cool your home for years on end without anything but routine maintenance visits and a repair every now and then. However, just because they’re durable for the most part, doesn’t mean you can reach your hands inside the system and start making your own repairs.

Homeowners are more prone to DIY solutions rather than calling for AC service in Bucks County these days. We understand, it always feels better to make a repair yourself. DIY solutions have erupted on the internet and it’s because homeowners are constantly looking for another answer as opposed to just calling the professionals. The truth is, calling the professionals is usually the best solution you can count on. Let us explain.

Today, we are going to dive into some of the best and worst practices of AC ownership, the kinds of repairs you can make yourself, and what is best left to a pro.

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Stay Prepared with a Whole House Generator

Monday, March 16th, 2020

Being prepared for a blackout isn’t just about having enough energy for some flashlights and your heater. What about having the energy to charge your phone in case you need to make an emergency call? Or having enough energy to power your refrigerator to keep your food from spoiling? These can be necessary when you’re trying to live your life after a blackout, especially when you don’t know the next time the power will come back on.

Thankfully, contractors like us offer whole house generators. These systems are well-equipped to power most, if not all, of the appliances in your home. From lights, to your refrigerator, to your individual devices, you should have all the power you need to pass a blackout without any disruptions to your daily life. Generator service in Bucks County, PA can be affordable and a huge advantage when dealing with storms as we do.

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How to Deal with a Heater Breakdown in the Winter

Monday, January 20th, 2020

Heater breakdowns are no joke, and they can’t be ignored when they occur. While we do everything in our power to keep a heater breakdown from happening, sometimes they do occur. As a homeowner, you might want to be prepared for the effects that come from it. Especially in Pennsylvania, where it can get extremely cold outdoors, you could endanger yourself, your property, or your family without a functioning heater.

First and foremost, you should always contact a professional when it comes to serious HVAC in Bucks County. A professional heating technician will be able to easily understand what went wrong with your heater and give you the proper solution to getting heat back into your home.

However, until that point happens—here are a few things you can do to keep yourself comfortable.

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Clogged Shower? Here’s What to Do

Sunday, December 22nd, 2019

Showers are like any other drain in your home: sometimes they get clogged and it’s up to you and a dedicated plumbing professional to take care of it.

However, before you start pouring chemicals down the drain, we’d like to go through a few solutions that might be better choices for your home plumbing system. Chemicals, as we’ve mentioned on our blog before, can be extremely harmful for your health, the environment, and your plumbing system if you’re not careful. That’s why we have some simple DIY solutions, as well as the advice to contact a professional plumbing team like ours for your drain unclogging needs.

For anything that has to do with plumbing in Bucks County, make sure you’ve got the right team on standby to get your problems solved as soon as possible.

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The Best Reasons to Get a Tankless Water Heater

Monday, November 25th, 2019

Why, yes, there is such a thing as a tankless water heater, in case you were asking yourself about that. Many homeowners mistakenly believe that tank water heaters are the only option for every home that’s out there—but that’s not the case. Tankless technology exists, which means that water can be heated the moment it is desired for an almost unlimited supply of hot water.

Since we carry both types of water heaters in Bucks & Montgomery, PA, it’s generally a good idea to know the difference between the two. Unfortunately, the decision isn’t as simple as “tankless water heaters are better.” There still are plenty of homes that might enjoy having a tank water heater more. Our team is full of experts who know the types of homes, homeowners, and environments where tank water heaters might still be the superior choice.

Which home do you have? Well, let’s find out!

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How Your AC Gets “Stressed” at the End of Summer

Monday, August 5th, 2019

sunshineThe air conditioning system keeping your home cooled down during another hot August and September in Pennsylvania is a machine, not a living creature. It can’t feel “stressed” like a person. But stress is still a good word to use when describing how an AC might suffer from malfunctions or even a complete breakdown during the heat at the end of summer. Think of all the work the AC has already done over the season, and then think about how much work is left to do. It’s natural for an air conditioner to become overly “stressed out” under these conditions.

We’re going to look at how an AC can suffer too much stress and end up passing that stress on to you. But remember, any air conditioning services in Bucks County, PA you need to get the AC back on track you can find with a call to Carney!

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