This is a piece of advice we like to give out in winter—and it often surprises homeowners. “Wait, I can use the ceiling fan to help with heating?”
We understand it goes against normal logic to use a fan for helping with warmth. After all, people think of fans as something used to cool down. Before there was such a thing as mechanical air conditioning, using a fan was one of the few ways available to help people cool off in the heat. Ceiling fans are usually installed because homeowners want to cut down on the energy use for their AC during summer.
It’s true that fans are a fantastic way to stay cool without going directly to the air conditioner. The breeze a ceiling fan creates in a room removes the heat envelope from around people’s bodies, allowing them to release more heat from their skin and feel cooler. The fan doesn’t lower the air temperature, but it does make it feel less hot.
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Tags: Bucks County, ceiling fans, Heating Tips
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