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Beetles are one of the most common pests to encounter in Bucks and Montgomery, PA. The term “beetles” refers to a large category of different types of insects that all look and act similarly, but that’s something a professional pest control expert can determine when diagnosing the problem.

A beetle infestation can be a nuisance to deal with. Some beetles can give off a foul odor when they get together or are squashed. Others can leave droppings and cause your home to become unsanitary very quickly. The good news is that these are issues that our team can deal with efficiently. Consider Carney All Seasons as the beetle experts of Bucks and Montgomery, PA.

Where Do Beetles Come From?

Beetles are among some of the most abundant outdoor pests you can find. In your garden alone, there are likely hundreds of types of beetles, from ladybugs to leaf beetles; they're practically everywhere outside. But they don’t often get inside unless they’ve been able to infiltrate the envelope of your home, or have entered through a window or door during the summer months.

Once beetles have gotten into your home, it’s tricky to get them out. They can hide in small cracks, under furniture, and in closets or basements where it’s dark and undisturbed. But just like any type of pest, this is where they can breed and get out of control.

Click here to learn more about beetles and where they come from.


Beetle Pest Control Tactics

Luckily, beetles are large enough that they can be easily spotted and vacuumed up by a licensed pest control expert. We know exactly where to look and find them, but the important step after this is beetle prevention.

  • Seal up food containers and trim trees and shrubs next to your home that would provide them with access and shelter. Also regularly inspect these areas of your home for more beetles.
  • Make sure the cracks and openings of your home’s exterior envelope have been sealed up tightly so no more beetles can get in!
  • Weatherstripping and rubber door stops can be powerful additions to your home when preventing beetles from entering your home.
  • If your lawn is mowed, kept clear, or even just trimmed to keep your house clear, beetles will have a much larger time finding shelter and accessing your home.

Depending on the type of beetle you’re dealing with, some beetle infestations can be stubborn. In these cases, call our team and we’ll handle it.

Trust an Expert for Beetle Pest Control

While physical pest control is the best method for removing beetles from your home, it’s not the only one. Our trucks are stocked with powerful equipment that can remove beetles from your home in record time, from vacuums to specialized brooms and sweepers. We even have all-natural sprays that can ward beetles away or make them evacuate their small shelters where we can pull them up and bring them back outside.

When you trust our team for beetle control, you’ll get excellent results in just a few hours. Schedule an appointment today!