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There are thousands of kinds of cockroaches in the world. They’re some of the most resilient and stubborn pests that can exist inside of a home, and they’ll cause an immense amount of stress as any homeowner would tell you. Resiliency aside, cockroaches are also extremely unpleasant to see and can carry with them diseases that are dangerous for humans. They often thrive in unsanitary conditions and can reproduce at an alarming rate.

So, what can you do if you experience a roach infestation in your home? You schedule an appointment with the pest control experts at Carney All Seasons in Bucks and Montgomery, PA. Our team of licensed professionals will not only help to remove the cockroaches, but we’ll shore up your home’s defenses to protect it from the next infestation. From identification to elimination, count on our team to get the job done.

Schedule an appointment with a pest control specialist at Carney All Seasons in Bucks and Montgomery, PA.


Identifying Your Cockroach Problem

One of the first things you might be asked by a pest control professional (or anyone for that matter) is, “How big are the roaches?” This is an inclination toward a more important strategy which is identifying the cockroaches so we can figure out the perfect solution.

Smaller cockroaches are usually identified as German or Brown-Banded Cockroaches which are an invasive species. Due to their smaller size, they tend to get into areas that are hard to reach.

Larger cockroaches are almost always identified as a type of American Cockroach, or others that belong in that similar category. These can be longer than an inch and a half, and they are usually easier to spot but can be more unsanitary due to how large and unnerving they are to see.

Once we identify the type of cockroaches infiltrating your home, we can get to work.

Sanitation Is Key

Cockroaches thrive in stagnant water, garbage, rotting plants, and anywhere they can find food or shelter. This is why sanitation is such an important part of the pest control process since it’s a lot harder to eliminate cockroaches when they’ve got an environment that allows them to thrive.

We’ll work with homeowners to clean up messes that might be contributing to the cockroach problem. Most of the time, these messes are just forgotten about or kept in areas that are out of sight, but once we identify the problem area, we can get to work!

Roach Control and Prevention

There are a variety of ways we can control the roaches in your home and eliminate the source of the problem. For starters, most cockroaches hate borax, and boric acid can be harmful to cockroaches (while being safe for you and your family). However, although it harms the roaches themselves, it does nothing about the eggs. That’s where a more thorough approach is required.

Our team can use powerful insecticide sprays that get into nooks and crannies, which are specifically designed to eliminate cockroaches, their eggs, and their larvae. This allows us to fully control the pest issue in your home for good.